Divine Energy Activation
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Is for those individuals who desire to accelerate and open fully and naturally all of their intuitive abilities of clairaudience (clear inner hearing), clairsentience (clear feeling), clairvoyance (vision) and claircognizance (clear knowing).
In addition to opening all of your intuitive abilities, this activation also ignites the healer within. Everyone was born with natural intuitive and healing abilities for self and others.
Due to limiting beliefs, conditioning and social predispositions, many of the natural, visions, hearing, knowing and feelings plus phenomena you had when you were an innocent child were taken from you, stuffed down or turned off all together.
This Divine Energy Activation simply restores you to what you knew as a child. This activation is critical at this time of Earth transition.
You may use your natural intuitive and healing gifts for healing self, others, the Earth and ALL life forms.
This activation is gentle, as the full flowering of this activation evolves gradually over a period of months going at the natural pace that your consciousness and body/mind system can truly handle this deep opening and expansion process.
This activation is approximately 60 minutes, over the phone and will be recorded.