Sacred Wisdom of the SELF- 6 week deep dive

Sale price Price $555.00 Regular price $1,111.00

Welcome to the Sacred Wisdom of the Self a 6 week discovery process. We will meet for 6 weeks on Weds nights starting Jan 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th, Feb 5th and 12th 5-6:30 PM MST- 7:00-8:30 PM EST.

This 6 week Immersion is for you if:

-You wish to gain more clarity about your life mission and life purpose

-You want to get crystal clear about what you want in life

-Get on purpose with power

-You want to Level UP from the paradigm you are currently living in

-You feel you are living your purpose, though internally you feel you are meant for more.

-You wish to receive a Divine Energy that will Support you in Living your highest Destiny Dream Life, Catalyze or Deepen your Awakening and Open you to Receive all of the Gifts and blessings the universe wants to give you.

This Immersion is about how to discover your Life Purpose, Gifts, Talents and Dharma, as it is used here, means something like right relationship with Life.

It could also be described as the path of right action; the path of greatest integrity; the path (of choices) that do not create unnecessary suffering and help to bring healing to the underlying sources of it; the way of living “thy will be done through me”; the path that leads towards increasing wholeness, appreciation, attunement, connectedness, intimacy, well-being, aliveness, love, clarity, and quality of life for all beings.

Each of these ways of speaking about it are still profoundly inadequate, and can actually be problematic if fixated on. These definitions attempt to evoke a sense that can be felt but never fully described (nor prescribed). “The tao that is namable is not the eternal tao.” The dharma that is prescribable is not the essential dharma. 

Dharma loosely relates to the English concepts/words of mission, purpose, ethics, virtue, character, integrity, vocation, calling, the good life, self-actualization and transcendence – but is not fully contained in any individual concept. 

There are principles of dharma that are generally true. And there is unique dharma: What is right action for me specifically in this situation, factoring my specific capabilities and experiences? What is my unique life path?

This concept is not deterministic. There is no algorithm that can compute what “right choice” is for you ahead of time. The contemplation of dharma does not seek to reduce choice to rules, (i.e. causation), but to help deepen the reality and meaningfulness of choice – the internal considerations that inform your own choice-making, aligned with your own deepest values, clarity, love, and sense of meaningfulness.

Dharma involves your being, your doing, and your becoming.

Who and how are you being, moment to moment?
How connected are you to your own being, to your love, to the clarity of your principles and values, and how is that informing how you perceive and express in each situation?
What are you doing in your life and where is the motivation for that doing coming from?
What are your actions in service of?
How are you growing and developing, in both your being and your capacity to do?

As such, our dharma is a continuous unfolding.
It has at least as much to do with how we relate to uncertainty as it does to what we feel certain of. Unlike the way we often think of vocation, dharma includes how you show up to all the little things, not just what you choose as your primary focus. And it can change at different times in your life: while raising kids and once they are grown…when you are called to focus on study, then on the application of what was learned, etc.
This is an ongoing and unending inquiry. If it wasn’t, you would be an automata.

It can be worth contemplating how our personal issues and our gifts relate to each other.
How our traumas relate to our dharma. Often traumas lead to destructive patterns that limit the fullest expression of our dharma. Simultaneously, they often sensitize us to certain aspects of the world and develop within us certain insights or capacities that become central to what is ours to give. Notice both what gifts your traumas have given you and where the remnants of trauma still limit the fullest expression of your gifts. Deepening our dharma and healing our karma co-inform each other. Every gift has a shadow, every shadow has a gift – it’s helpful to explore them together.

Inquiring into all these questions still won’t tell you what to do. And insofar as what you most want does become clearer, you may still not know how to get there. But at least you will have deepened your relationship with yourself, which will lead to greater awareness and integrity, which in itself will inform the origins and directions of your future choices. Any increase in awareness, clarity, and love…moves one’s path in unpredictable but profound ways. That lead to continued opportunity for greater awareness, clarity, and love…and with that, a life of deepening beauty and meaningfulness. 

To gain the clarity, certainty and insight we wish to be revealed to us we will carefully Explore the following themes:

-Discovering our CORE Values Core values are a set of beliefs, ideals or practices that inform how you conduct your life. 

-Propensities A propensity is a natural tendency to behave in a certain way. We all have propensities — things we tend to do. An often intense natural inclination or preference

-Capacities Human capacity means development or improvement of individual knowledge, skills, technical expertise, and ability to adapt and be resilient.

-Karma the relationship between a person's mental or physical action and the consequences following that action. It also signifies the consequences of all the actions of a person in their current and previous lives and the chain of cause and effect in morality

-Patterns Something that repeats in a predictable way is a pattern. You might find a pattern in your habits, responses, reactions, thoughts, ways of being.

-Guidance to lead, to conduct, to regulate, to direct, to steer, to show, to channel, to point. 

We will explore self inquiry questions that can offer insights into your unique life path and dharma. The questions are offered in recognition of the meaningfulness of your life, and with the hope that your desire for your life to be of the greatest service to all life to be realized. 

Early Bird Registration from now until November 15th.