Rainbow Prophecy--Evolution--Revolution

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The Energy Theme for March 2025!! 

Leading Edge Pioneers, Visionaries, Rainbow Peace Keepers, Healers, Lightworkers, Starseeds, Forest Bathers and Lovers of People and this Planet........

Mark your Calendars!

Invitation and Energy Themes for Thursday March 20th 7-8 PM EST

We will Deeply and Thoroughly CLEAR the following Main types of Energy Blockages:
-Energy Density from Life events in this life, past lives, lineage
-Energy Density from our Environment
-Energy that was embedded/infused/empathically taken on when we were in the Womb
-Generational Energetic Density and Blocks


-Past Lives 

As we enter the energies of March We are at a turning point, a shift that sets the stage for something big!

March's collective numerology for 2025 is "3", which represents creativity, communication, and optimism.

This is also associated with the following energies:

  • Confidence and self-reliance
  • Self-expression and wholeness
  • Magic, miracles and manifestation
  • The holy trinity and the divine revealing itself

In this Gathering we will receive Transmissions of the Divine Light the first being -A Call To True Self-Worth

The mirror is held up, revealing the shadow in how we pursue love, validation, and self-worth.

Receive the  ‘I AM" Transmission- Know your True Worth, Self-Love, Deservingness. The energies of March pull back everything related to how we view ourselves in regard to love, money, and personal value. Old wounds of self-worth, rejection, and feeling “not enough” surface, especially those we thought we had already overcome. The cracks begin to appear if you have built your sense of value on external validation.

It’s time to stop running and sit in the I AM  of who you are when there’s nothing to prove, no one to impress, and nothing to win. Heal the wounds that tell you love has to be earned. Rewrite the story that says you have to fight to be seen. Meet yourself without armor, without performance. The real, authentic you. The question is—are you ready to fully love that person? Can you stop demanding that you must be more, do more, achieve more just to feel worthy of receiving? 

Activating The Voice of The Divine Mind

Activate the mental body. There will be a shift in the way you assert and communicate your truth. Old ways of thinking will be dissolved to help you rewrite your inner dialogue.

Anchoring Light Within The Great Unknown

The Sun, which represents life force and conscious awareness, merges with the planet of structure, karma, and mastery. Taking the next step towards spiritual maturity is called for, this is the place where illusions dissolve. Whatever you’ve been avoiding, whatever foundation isn’t strong enough, the energies are here to reinforce or dismantle it.

Purifying The Path To Mastery

We will open the door to refinement, mastery, and deep healing. The energies carry the weight of karmic closure and sacred purification.

Release outdated cycles, habits, and beliefs that have bound you to an older version of yourself. Courageously cross the bridge between the seen and unseen, the healer and the mystic, the structured and the surrendered. It’s here where the sacred and the practical come together, and where body, mind, and spirit align.

Magical Questions to Ask yourself: Are you delaying the necessary changes? Are you micromanaging your growth rather than allowing it to unfold naturally?

What is worth your energy, time and effort? What needs to be reworked, not given up on?

Turn obstacles into wisdom, hardships into mastery.

This eclipse isn’t here to just cleanse; it’s here to show you how to transmute limitations into something meaningful and truly step into your sacred medicine.

Recalibrating The Mental Body

Liberate yourselves from old patterns in how you think, speak, and act. It’s about purging the mental body of its wounded identity, communication, and mental patterns. 

Release the patterns of: jumping to conclusions, reacting without thinking, forcing situations that need more time to unfold. 

We will transmute outdated mental habits by slowing down, listening, and burning away old mental patterns through the alchemical fire. Refining willpower, sharpening intentions, and learning when to act and when to pause. 

Birth a New Era through you

We’re not just stepping into new energy; we’re launched into it

Our dreams are no longer dreams, they are calls to action, they are becoming reality.  This season is about birthing ourselves anew, individually & collectively. This season marks the beginning of a major generational shift. Stand by your truth.

Via a Sacred Heart Activation Learn to Surrender & Trust

There are no bounds to love; beauty transcends form, and the heart speaks a language beyond words.  Release old emotional wounds, past relationships, and deep-seated beliefs about love, worth, and connection. 

Reflect on what you have learned in your relationships and how your relationships reflect your self-worth. What patterns need to be transformed? Where have you sacrificed too much?

Embody A World Between Worlds

Accelerate fate, opening doors before you even knock. This isn’t subtle—this is a high level initiation, an upgrade of energy to the light-body. 

Become the Sacred Container where layers of magic reveal themselves, as well as mystery, and power, pulling things into place in a quiet but undeniable way. While you may not be able to see what is unfolding, everything is shifting beneath the surface and reshaping what you believe is possible. This isn’t just about taking action—it’s about understanding what’s guiding that action.

Magical Questions to consider: Are you guided by a higher power? Or the wounds of the past? What fuels your desires? Have you ignored your instincts?

Ignite The Era of Divinely Guided Action

The age of passive dreaming is over—this is about bringing the vision into reality. Refine your Intuition and Inner Wisdom so it is razor sharp. You will need this skill asap.

What you will be witnessing in the realm of spirituality—what was once packaged and sold as enlightenment will be challenged, dismantled, and redefined. False authorities, toxic teachings, and spiritual systems designed to manipulate rather than liberate will be exposed. There will be an exposure of “cult-like” mentalities, deceptive leadership, and blind faith in “chosen ones,” forcing people to take responsibility for their OWN spiritual development. With razor-like discernment and alignment with TRUTH you will be able to see through illusion, revealing where spirituality is used as control rather than empowerment.

One of the most significant shifts will be in how people break free from addictions, distractions, toxic cycles, and other forms of escapism that numb rather than fuel. No more culture of avoidance. This energy is about reclaiming power, choosing presence over escape, and turning spiritual practice into something that moves, builds, and protects.

This isn’t a soft awakening—it’s an alchemical purification of what no longer serves. The dreamers become leaders and take action as co-creators in the Universe. 

2025 Dates (subject to change)

March Thurs 20th 7-8 PM EST

April Thurs 24th 7-8 PM EST

May Thurs 22nd 7-8 PM EST

June Thurs 19th 7-8 PM EST

July Thurs 24th 7-8 PM EST

August Thurs 21st 7-8 PM EST

September Thurs 18th 7-8 PM EST

October Thurs 23rd 7-8 PM EST

November Thurs 20th 7-8 PM EST

December Thurs 18th 7-8 PM EST