Flying on the Wings of Love - Audio
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Awaken to Self Love and receive Grace Blessings which will activate your Enlightenment process and Awaken you to your Authentic Self! Enter into the heart and mind of the Divine, which is love consciousness.
Bask in the Grace that flows powerfully throughout “Flying on the wings of Love” and learn a very simple prayer practice that opens your heart to self love and a love for ALL of creation.
This practice includes forgiveness and goes beyond, even deeper into the essence of what matters most and what is real…..LOVE.
The key to a happy and fulfilling life is to peace make with everyone in your life, to love yourself, love others and love the creator.
This program helps you to achieve just that. And the best part is, it is simple and takes only minutes per day. You will FEEL these prayers as you do them. This is not a mental practice but a feeling experience, that in time will transform you and open your heart to love, love LOVE!
Testimonial from Happy Customer and Spiritual Teacher: "During a recent live class a woman shared that she had problems with TMJ. I was guided to share these prayers with her and have her recite them along with me. As she did, she immediately had a release in her jaw and her entire body let go. Even though she was the only person who spoke them aloud with me, other people in the room were deeply affected. Their bodies released various tensions and pain. People softened and felt their hearts opening. This was in only a matter of seconds!!!!"
The participants were opening to LOVE! Love was healing them and restoring them to wholeness. From this place of love, we can “become the change we wish to see in the world”.
And this great change begins with each and every one of us. In addition to the prayers you will learn, you will also receive Grace Blessings, which initiates your Enlightenment and Awakening process and will radically transform each and every area of your life.
When you purchase the physical CD you receive the mp3 version for FREE!