Advanced zone group-Goddess Series

Sale price Price $144.00 Regular price

Welcome to the NEW Zone Master Group.

Here is the Invitation-

We are doing a LILITH INTENSIVE. On our planet currently the ENERGY and REMEMBRANCE, ARCHETYPAL Frequency that we are in IS "the Rise of Lilith"- as such it seems Vital to Deep Dive into her Feminine Leadership.

Scheduled for Monday July 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th 7-8 PM EST, 5:00 PM MST
Lilith Intensive will cover:

1. **Self-empowerment and confidence:** Lilith embodies self-empowerment and encourages authenticity, fostering confidence and assertiveness.

2. **Liberation from societal constraints:** Break free from limiting beliefs and societal expectations, embracing your individuality.

3. **Independent thinking and assertiveness:** Enhance critical thinking, assertiveness, and decision-making abilities.

4. **Sensuality, passion, and sexual empowerment:** Explore and embrace your sensuality, fostering a healthy relationship with your sensual self.

5. **Inner strength and resilience:** Cultivate inner strength to overcome challenges and navigate life's obstacles with grace.

6. **Healing and transformation:** Embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and personal transformation.

7. **Wisdom and intuition:** Tap into profound insights and guidance, enhancing your intuitive abilities.

Please join us for an important Sacred Union for ourselves personally as well as for the Collective of Humanity. 

We will be invoking and working with the energies and consciousness of the Divine Feminine.   


We will be connecting with Lilith on the Deepest Levels Possible, receiving her Energy, Codes, Wisdom, Insight, qualities of cutting through density, fierceness when necessary to transcend obstacles, and courage to move through problems with wisdom and grace.  

We will anchor these Divine aspects into the Earth realm as a Sacred service to neutralize the spread of war, conflict, and disease.  It is the divine feminine anchored into Nature and planet Earth that can heal these situations.

all meetings are recorded