Rainbow Prophecy--Evolution--Revolution

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The Energy Theme for MAY (registration information is below)

Leading Edge Pioneers, Visionaries, Rainbow Peace Keepers, Healers, Lightworkers, Starseeds, Forest Bathers and Lovers of People and this Planet........

Mark your Calendars! Thursday May 23rd 7-8 PM EST we will Gather Together as One Heart, One Energy, One Love and One Life in UNITY and Peace.

Register NOW for the May Energy Upgrade tele call at a 10% discount from NOW until April 25th. The May call is scheduled for Thursday April 18th and will be recorded, use code May2024 at checkout.

Invitation and Energy Themes for May

The full moon in May 2024, with its Scorpio energy and lunar eclipse, will have a profound impact on our lives.

Emotional Healing and Release-Clearing, Alchemy, Transmutation, Transcendence

Scorpio is associated with deep emotional healing and transformation. This full moon may bring buried emotions to the surface, allowing us to confront and release them. It is a time for letting go of emotional baggage and embracing a renewed sense of emotional well-being.

During this transformative period, we may find ourselves drawn to introspection and self-reflection. The intense energy of the Scorpio full moon encourages us to dive deep into our emotional realms, exploring the hidden corners of our psyche. This process may be uncomfortable at times, as we confront long-held fears, traumas, and insecurities. However, it is through this process of emotional excavation that we can truly heal and release what no longer serves us.

As we let go of old emotional wounds, we create space for new growth and healing. The energy of the Scorpio full moon supports us in this process, providing a powerful catalyst for personal transformation. It is a time to embrace our vulnerability and allow ourselves to be open to the healing energies that surround us.

Intuition and Inner Wisdom Activation & Refinement

Under the influence of this full moon, our intuition is heightened. Finding ourselves more attuned to our inner voice and able to tap into our inner wisdom. It is a time for trusting our instincts and making decisions based on our inner guidance and heart.

The energies are available to experience a stronger connection to our intuition, inner knowing, heart and a heightened sense of awareness. Our inner voice becomes clearer, guiding us towards the path that aligns with our true purpose and highest good. With the Activation of our Intuition, Perception and Wisdom we gain great clarity and insight, as we tap into the deep well of wisdom that resides within us-and TRUSTING it.

By having the capacity to listen to our intuition and following its guidance, we can navigate the challenges and opportunities that present themselves during this transformative period. Our intuition becomes a trusted compass, leading us towards the choices and actions that will support our personal growth and evolution.

Relationship Dynamics- Healing, Clearing, Cutting Karmic Ties, Outdated Soul Contracts and Psychic/Energetic Cords that block us

Scorpio is also associated with intense and passionate relationships. This full moon may bring to light any underlying issues or dynamics within our relationships. It is an opportunity to address any imbalances and work towards creating healthier and more fulfilling connections.

During this time, we may find ourselves examining the dynamics of our relationships more closely. The intense energy of the Scorpio full moon illuminates any hidden power struggles, unresolved conflicts, or patterns of codependency. This heightened awareness allows us to address these issues head-on, fostering greater understanding, communication, and intimacy within our relationships.

As we navigate the intense emotions that may arise during this period, it is important to approach these discussions with compassion and empathy. This full moon provides an opportunity for healing and growth within our relationships, as we work towards creating a stronger foundation built on trust, respect, and mutual support.

Transformation and Personal Growth-SOUL ACTIVATION, Receiving NEW Higher Dimensional LIGHT CODES

The combination of Scorpio energy and a lunar eclipse creates a potent energy for transformation, personal growth and spiritual acceleration. Updating your body-mind system to a Higher Octave.

We have the opportunity to shed old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve us. It is time to EMBRACE change and step into our True, Authentic Power and Truth.

During this transformative period, we will feel a strong urge to break free from the "perceived" limitations that have held us back. The energy of the Scorpio full moon supports us in releasing outdated beliefs, habits, and relationships that no longer align with our authentic selves. This process of shedding the old allows us to make space for new opportunities, experiences, and relationships that support our personal growth, happiness and evolution.

As we embrace the transformative energy of this full moon, it is important to remember that change can be both challenging and liberating. We may encounter resistance and fear as we step out of our comfort zones and into the unknown. However, it is through these moments of discomfort and uncertainty that we can truly grow, expand and liberate ourselves.

The May Energy Upgrade TeleGathering invites us to embrace our inner power and step into the fullest expression of ourselves. It is a time to trust in our own abilities and embrace the changes that will lead us towards a more fulfilling and authentic life.


2024 schedule

Thurs May 23

Thurs June 20

Tues July 23

Thurs August 22

Tues Sept 24

Tues Oct 22

Thurs Nov 21

Thurs Dec 19